/ NewZealand :: The Strand beachfront in Russell
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DigiCam Info
Camera Model CYBERSHOT
DigiCam settings for the photo
Flash Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected
ISO 250
Exposure Time 1/40 second
Exposure Program Program
Metering Mode Pattern
Focal Length 8.00 millimeters
Maximum Aperture Value F2.83 (3.00 APEX)
F-Number 2.80
Image Characteristics
Date 08/05/2004 18:42:08
File Media Type image/jpeg
JPEG Type Baseline
Color Type YCbCr
Samples Per Pixel 3
Bits Per Sample 8 8 8
Physical Resolution 72 dpi
Exif Version 0220
Original Image Width 1600
Original Image Length 1200
Compression Quality Normal (2:1)
Album generated by BINS 1.1.20 on Tue 25 May 2004 10:05:19 PM EDT.