I'm having a great time. In spite of the rough, rainy weather that blew in here from the northwest Sunday night while we slept. I was so glad that I had not paid for a 2-tank dive yesterday. The conditions were horrid for climbing back on the boat.
Today I did an all day "Jeep Safari" tour (depart 8:20am-return 4:00pm) that took us first on a long drive up into the mountains. There we hiked about 20-25 minutes along and through a swift stream to a step waterfall. There are 28 steps and we climbed/swam/scampered up the first 7. That took us about 200 feet. The return was much faster. We slid or jumped off all the fall's steps coming back. The last jump was about 25 feet off a cliff into a pool (which we swam across to get started up) below. Then another 30 minute hike back along a slightly different trail through sugar cane fields. Back on the truck we drove through picturesque mountain countryside to a BBQ cabana for lunch and beers. Then to a community where we could handle parrots and snakes. WAY COOL!! We shopped in the village's souvenir cabana where I bought a silver reversing ring... one side Dominican Turquoise, the other side Dominican Amber... for only 350 pesos (US$1 = 23pesos) and I could have talked him down but I saw that the village is dependant on this trade for food and other basics. Then we stopped at the crest of a hill by another village to get photos of the majestic scenery. On the way back the other 9 guests were all from the same hotel so all got off there. I had another 30 minutes ride back in the back of the truck with the tour guides. A couple of very fun and interesting local guys.
It was an awesome and educational trip. I loved it. When I was alone with the guides I was able to ask questions about the true lifestyles of the locals. The jobs here pay nothing. The average is about 2500 pesos a month per person. I met a woman who works at a luxury hotel as a reception clerk and makes 3500 pesos a month. A chamber maid in that hotel earns 1500-1800 pesos per month. The hotel charges minimum US$200/night for the cheapest single room. It's a travesty... rich business men, probably American or European, getting stinking rich off the back-breaking labours of the Dominican people. The average phone bill per household (no extras, long distance or internet) costs about 800 pesos per month. Rents run high relative to income too. Most single people live with parents or 4-6 per apartment or shack-like house.
Tomorrow I'm booked on an all-day diving excursion. Should be fun. Tonight I'm going across the street for a quick supper. I'm exhausted and will hit the mattress early.
Ciao from the Dominican Republic.
Posted by gailene at April 2, 2003 04:12 PM